Katie and Josh’s East Hampton Long Island Georgica Beach Wedding Album

Photos by Dan Wagner

Wedding Album Photos © Dan Wagner 2023

Katie and Josh had a spectacular summer wedding in East Hampton, Long Island. The ceremony was on held on Georgica beach. Noticing that my black dress shoes were filling with sand, and my suit was disheveled from running after the bridal party—Katie’s father made me laugh when he commented that he appreciated how hard I was working! That was funny and true. But hey, good photos require a lot of effort.

As one dad to another, I could relate to the telephone discussion I had with Katie’s dad when he hired me to photograph her wedding. He wanted me to prove with words that I was the best photographer for his daughter’s wedding. I told him that I would do the same job for Katie’s wedding that I would do for my own daughter’s. Which was true. That’s what life is all about!

The reception was held in a huge tent under a starry sky. Remembering the happy message Katie left on my voicemail after she received her albums still makes me smile—”Dan, you’re really great at what you do! I love my albums!”

Click on the wedding album pages for a larger view!


Dan Wagner

Long Island Wedding Photographer
